Maintain the Mane: #2 My Perspective on Shrinkage

My big chop went down on February 22, 2012 in the dorm room of one of my best friends. I knew very early on that my hair was tightly coiled, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized I have some INTENSE shrinkage. Like…a lot. As my hair grew longer, my fro did grow in volume,ContinueContinue reading “Maintain the Mane: #2 My Perspective on Shrinkage”

Hello Brooklyn, How You Doin?

I know, I know I know. I have gone a while without posting, BUT it was for a good reason. 🙂 In the time between this post and my last, I received an awesome job opportunity and relocated to none other than……… NEW YORK CITY I am now living in Brooklyn and working at aContinueContinue reading “Hello Brooklyn, How You Doin?”

Beauty = Booty?

In a day and age where Ayesha Curry gets dragged for saying she prefers to be covered up, it’s clear to say that women are overly sexualized. Videos, social media, and everyday common interactions have shaped society’s idea of beauty. Beauty today comes in the form of a waist trainer and a Brazilian Butt Lift.ContinueContinue reading “Beauty = Booty?”